Sunday 10 November 2013

Orgasms: Stuff You Probably Never Knew But Should.

Are you blushing already?
You shouldn't be! Orgasms are as much an important part of women's health as a good supportive bra and flossing every day.
Oh yes...yes...yes!!! We should be talking about these things - openly, honestly and without feeling embarrassed about it. So, embrace and enlighten your sexual self with these tips about the big "O" that perhaps you didn't know...

Orgasms relieve pain: Looks like the old excuse, "Not now dear...I have a headache" is not a plausible one anymore. Because, according to Lisa Stern, nurse practitioner with Planned Parenthood in LA, if you truly have a headache, an orgasm just might be what the doctor ordered (and if it's McDreamy...we'll take two).
Stern explains that during an orgasm, the body releases a chemical called oxytocin. "Oxytocin facilitates bonding, relaxation and other positive emotional states." Unfortunately however, the pain the orgasm itself, is short lived - lasting only about eight to 10 minutes. Oh...if only the orgasm lasted that long! Thankfully, Stern says that even thinking about sex can bring on pain relief (or, if you happen to be PMSing...the urge to castrate your lover.)

Condoms don't affect orgasm quality So, it's have NO excuse for "un"-safe sex because donning the "love glove" won't inhibit your climax potential. In fact, according to Debby Herbenick, PhD, a research scientist at Indiana University and author of Because it Feels Good says that "condoms may help a couple spend more time having sex, as a man doesn't have to 'pull out' quickly [a.k.a. the 'pull and pray' method of birth control] if he's worried about about ejaculating too soon." And of course ladies, remember what our mothers told us, "having sex without a condom is like having sex with everyone he's ever had sex with before you." 

Thirty percent of women have trouble reaching orgasm According to Planned Parenthood statistics, as many as 1 in 3 women have trouble reaching orgasm during sex. This is how we've become great "orgasmic actresses" - think of the restaurant scene in the movie "When Harry Met Sally" when Meg Ryan [Sally] acted out an orgasm scene to prove to Billy Crystal [Harry] that women fake orgasms sometimes. Stern says that female sexual dysfunction (FSD) that includes the inability to orgasm, affects as much as 43% of women. So, what can you do beside enroll in acting classes? Stern says that while for some women, "topical testosterone therapies or some oral medications may be helpful, few medical treatments have evidence behind them." And, because FSD can sometimes be associated with certain medical conditions, she advises seeing your doctor first to rule out things like thyroid disease, depression or diabetes.

Find that elusive G-Spot The G-Spot, named after doctor Ernst Gafenberg, a german gynecologist who is credited with discovering it in the 1950's (whoa...can you imagine the lady who got the pap smear THAT day????) is an area of the female genitalia that supposedly is overloaded with nerve endings, which are the keys to a long and happy orgasm. And, like everything that is fun and pleasurable for us...the G-Spot and it's very existence is a very controversial topic.
Apparently, while "the spot" location is slightly different for every woman, it's most often found inside the vagina and is characterized by a "rougher" texture. So, go ahead and do some "exploratory" research...we'll wait.

. Orgasms get better with age Well, hallelujah...FINALLY, something for we women that gets BETTER with age! Why is this? Though no one can say for sure the reasons behind it, one can assume that, as women age and become more sexually experienced and confident in the bedroom, they enjoy themselves more.

For most women, it takes a while In fact, statistics show that it takes most women 20 minutes of sexual activity to climax. Just think ladies, in the time it takes most of us to orgasm, we could put in a load of laundry, tidy up the kitchen and check our email! So, it appears that if we only have time for a "quickie"...there won't be any big "O!"

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the FANTASTIC post! This information is really good and thanks a ton for sharing it :-) I m looking forward desperately for the next post of yours..
